Feeling good with no reason
Free your soul from the prison
Leave behind useless ado
Sun is shining so bright
Everything is alright
The whole world is smiling to you
Lay down beneath the shady tree
Evoke the pleasant memories…
In the shape of the clouds
What can you see?
Bunny or fairy elf?
Remember your childhood dream
Perfect, shiny and agleam
Start to do all those things
You wanted to do
And you’ll find yourself…
More items by soundroll
You know what I mean
Sleep in peace
When the day is done
And this old world
Is a new world
And a bold world
For me
Stars when you shine
You know how I feel
Scent of the pine
You know how I feel
Yeah freedom is mine
And you know how I feel
Its a new dawn
Its a new day
Its a new life
For me
And I'm feeling goood!
Freeer than you
Feeling good